Nature photography as a complimentary career to scienceNature and wildlife are my deepest passions in life. Since 2007 I have been relentlessly dedicated to photographing nature as I see it. Wherever I go I can be seen with my camera backpack looking for creatures to portrait through my lenses. This couples really well with my scientific career as biological understanding of nature goes a long way in portraying it, and my photography is often used in scientific publications. I designed two photography courses which I have been teaching twice per year for a few years now, as well as leading wildlife photography tours to places such as Borneo, Costa Rica, Galapagos, The Amazon, Cape York and Western Australia, though NatureArt Lab, and an art and photography school in Canberra, Australia. Photo by brother Angel Esquerré (a mega-talented professional photographer).
Selection of published photos
My photos have been published in several scientific papers and will appear in a number of books to be published in the near future.
-The Guide To Victorian Wildlife (2024). Some of my photos are used in this beautiful book. Link
-Current Biology, Volume 33, 2023. Cover of the issue.
-Identification Guide for Snakes of Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait). PDF.
-RTVE (Radiotelevisión Española) used on of y king cobra photos for their game television show "Te Ha Tocado". Episode 27.
-IUCN Conservation Genetics Specialist Group - Selecting species and populations for monitoring of genetic diversity. My photos used on the cover and inside. (2022)
-Sustainable Farms Australia (2021), from The Australian National University have used a number of my photos across their projects. Link
-Evolution (2019). Cover of the issue
-A Naturalists Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia (2018). Several of my photos are used in this beautiful book. Link
-Hamadryad Journal of Herpetology (2018). Cover of the issue
-Nature Ecology and Evolution (2017). Cover of the issue.
-Guia de Campo Reptiles de Chile (2017). Contributed photos to this field guide. Link.
-A Naturalists Guide to the Reptiles of Australia (2017). Five of my photos are used in this beautiful book. Link.
-Expo "Lagartijas y Coleopteros: Reflejos del Cambio" at the National Natural History Museum of Chile (2016-2017). Link. Link2.
-Costa Magazine (2017-onwards). This magazine decided to include an article of my photography on each issue, starting with August 2017. Link. Here are the PDFs of the different articles (in Spanish): Bolivia, Costa Rica, Southeastern Australia, Western Australia, Komodo, Great Barrier Reef, Bali, China, Cape York, Criaturas Fantasticas
-Ecology Letters (2016). cover of Issue 7, Volume 19, to represent my paper on convergent evolution between pythons and boas
-Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2015), cover of Issue 12, Volume 28, to represent my colleague's and supervisor's paper (Marta Vidal-Garcia and Scott Keogh) on Australian frog evolution. Link.
-Fotonaturaleza de Chile (2012): two photos published in this book compiling nature photography from Chile. Link.
-Current Biology, Volume 33, 2023. Cover of the issue.
-Identification Guide for Snakes of Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait). PDF.
-RTVE (Radiotelevisión Española) used on of y king cobra photos for their game television show "Te Ha Tocado". Episode 27.
-IUCN Conservation Genetics Specialist Group - Selecting species and populations for monitoring of genetic diversity. My photos used on the cover and inside. (2022)
-Sustainable Farms Australia (2021), from The Australian National University have used a number of my photos across their projects. Link
-Evolution (2019). Cover of the issue
-A Naturalists Guide to the Dangerous Creatures of Australia (2018). Several of my photos are used in this beautiful book. Link
-Hamadryad Journal of Herpetology (2018). Cover of the issue
-Nature Ecology and Evolution (2017). Cover of the issue.
-Guia de Campo Reptiles de Chile (2017). Contributed photos to this field guide. Link.
-A Naturalists Guide to the Reptiles of Australia (2017). Five of my photos are used in this beautiful book. Link.
-Expo "Lagartijas y Coleopteros: Reflejos del Cambio" at the National Natural History Museum of Chile (2016-2017). Link. Link2.
-Costa Magazine (2017-onwards). This magazine decided to include an article of my photography on each issue, starting with August 2017. Link. Here are the PDFs of the different articles (in Spanish): Bolivia, Costa Rica, Southeastern Australia, Western Australia, Komodo, Great Barrier Reef, Bali, China, Cape York, Criaturas Fantasticas
-Ecology Letters (2016). cover of Issue 7, Volume 19, to represent my paper on convergent evolution between pythons and boas
-Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2015), cover of Issue 12, Volume 28, to represent my colleague's and supervisor's paper (Marta Vidal-Garcia and Scott Keogh) on Australian frog evolution. Link.
-Fotonaturaleza de Chile (2012): two photos published in this book compiling nature photography from Chile. Link.
2024: Overall Winner for British Ecological Society's CAPTURING ECOLOGY. UOW Release. BBC Science Focus. Discover Wildlife.
2023: Two photos selected as finalists for the AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR. Photos displayed at the exhibit at the South Australia Museum in Adelaide, and prints for sale. Online Gallery. ABC Press release. ABC Illawarra interview here. The Stand interview. Featured in The Weekend Australian Magazine.
2022: Best photo at at the Australian Society of Herpetologists Annual Meeting in Mylor, South Australia
2020: Seventh BMC Ecology Image Competition: Winner for 'Behavioral and Physiological Ecology'. See the announcement and editorial. The same photo was also selected for Nature's Best Science Images for August.
2016: Best photo at at the Australian Society of Herpetologists Annual Meeting in Launceston, Tasmania
2023: Two photos selected as finalists for the AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC NATURE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR. Photos displayed at the exhibit at the South Australia Museum in Adelaide, and prints for sale. Online Gallery. ABC Press release. ABC Illawarra interview here. The Stand interview. Featured in The Weekend Australian Magazine.
2022: Best photo at at the Australian Society of Herpetologists Annual Meeting in Mylor, South Australia
2020: Seventh BMC Ecology Image Competition: Winner for 'Behavioral and Physiological Ecology'. See the announcement and editorial. The same photo was also selected for Nature's Best Science Images for August.
2016: Best photo at at the Australian Society of Herpetologists Annual Meeting in Launceston, Tasmania